Wednesday, November 12, 2008

O Canada!

Over the past several weeks, the morning radio show that I listen to was talking about hearing McCain supporters say thay they would move to Canada if Obama was elected.


Country First, huh?

So, for a radio bit, they decided they would pick someone who had made that statement and help them move to test the veracity of their assertion. And the one couple who is taking them up on it is a very young couple who decided to make the move when they were told that Obama is actually the Antichrist.

This young couple, freshly out of high school, and working at Steak and Shake, had concerns about an Obama presidency, although neither one could actually articulate why they were filled with such dread. They both swear up and down that it has nothing to do with the fact that he is a black man.

So what happened to push them to the point of turning their back on their country in such dire times? They overheard some customers talking, and the customers told them that Obama is the antichrist. They were told, and at least one caller called in and agreed with this... that the Bible actually contains a passage that says that the Antichrist will be a black man of Muslim heritage in his mid 40's who will rise to lead a country, and that the whole world will respect and follow him. And that was all they needed to hear to push them over the edge into their decision to move to Canada.

Forget the fact that:
1) there is no such passage in the Bible.
2) the reason there is no such passage in the Bible is because there were no such things as Muslims when the Bible was written.

For people who are supposed to be such good Christians, the fact that they just blindly accept a statement like this, should send cold chills down all of our spines. For one thing, point number 2 should have been the first thought in their heads. I know it actually was the first thing I shouted out at the radio when I heard it!

Apparently, there is an email making the rounds that presents this "Bible passage". So, be warned and check your emails. Who knew the way to salvation was through our Spam filters?!

I don't usually end up getting those kinds of emails forwarded to me, but there are a couple people in my very, very, extended email world who might actually send that to me, and I can't wait for it! If I do get it, it will be the last time I get any email from them, for sure!

The complete and immediate accpetance of assertions such as the one these young people heard in Steak and Shake really scares me. If someone tells you that something is in the Bible, don't simply believe them. Make them tell you chapter and verse, or at least make them narrow down to Old or New Testament, then go find it yourself. I knew there was no such Bible verse but I went to one of my Bibles anyway and looked up the word Antichrist in the Concordance. Then I read each of the Bible passages listed. 'Cause I'm just that way. I don't want anyone telling me what is in there... I want to know for myself.

Especially not just some person off the street.... especially not when the passage would promote fear and hate. But that's just me.

So I'm not sure which aspect of this story upsets me more... the circulating email with a flat out lie about a "Bible passage", or the fact that I know there will be SO MANY people who will just blindly accept it as fact.

Maybe the internet is the antichrist...

But if these folks do move to Canada, our national IQ might rise a few points. That wouldn't be so bad, would it?

Oh, and take supporters of California's Prop 8 with you when you go.


Kristi said...

Here's a link to that email chain, and it's complete 'liar-liar-pants-on-fire' dismantling by

Shalimar said...

Well I am Canadian...and we support same sex marriage, and have been accused many times of being I say nah--keep them. We dont want them here.